Corona Virus COVID – 19

In light of the recent developments in relation to the CoVid-19 (a.k.a Coronavirus), LSF will be implementing the following measures so as to safeguard the wellbeing of our clients as well as our employees;

We ask you not to attend any appointments at LSF should you feel sick or display any fever or flu-like symptoms. Instead, we advise you to call our offices on 22201761/5 to cancel your appointment and you will be guided accordingly. Please note that we will not be seeing any clients who display the above-mentioned symptoms.

We would also like to remind our clients to call 111 should they require medical advice on the coronavirus infection. This is a new public helpline which has just been set up to cater for such queries.

We will also keep you informed with any updates in relation to this matter.

Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.


Fir-rigward tal-aħħar żviluppi dwar il-CoVid-19 (magħrufa wkoll bħala Coronavirus) l- LSF se tkun qed timplimenta dawn il miżuri li ġejjin sabiex nissalvagwardjaw s-saħħa tal-klijenti u l-impjegati tagħna:

Nappellaw biex ma tattendux għall-appuntamenti fl-uffiċini tal-LSF jekk tħossukom ma tifilħux jew jekk tiżviluppaw sintomi ta’ deni jew influwenza. Minflok għandkom iċċemplu l uffiċini tagħna fuq 22201761/5 sabiex tikkanċellaw l-appuntent u tiġu ggwidati minn hemm. Nixtiequ ninfurmawkom li se nkunu qed nirrifjutaw appuntamenti ma’ klijenti li jkollhom is-sintomi msemmijin hawn fuq.

Nixtiequ wkoll infakkru lill-klijenti tagħna sabiex iċemplu l-linja pubblika maħluqa biex tirrispondi mistoqsijiet relatati mal-Coronavirus, 111 , jekk ikollhom bżonn aktar assistenza medika fuq l- infezzjoni.

Se nżommukom aġġornati b-aktar żviluppi relatati ma’ dan il-qasam.

Il-kooperazzjoni tagħkom rigward dan l-aspett hija aprezzata ferm.

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